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1 h
8.88 US dollars
Virtual Session

Service Description

**To assist you in putting yourself first, by loving yourself. Dissolving people pleasing habits and enhancing/intensifying your boundaries* This may cause you to see people around you differently for their true colors. Users and abusers will not be able to penetrate your shield and will increase your frequency bringing in like minded individuals. A ritual performed FEBRUARY 12 during the FULL MOON WINDOW. Candles will be carved with initials, dressed with herbs , and lit until burned thoroughly. A community post with a photo of the completed ritual will be posted on at WWW.YOUTUBE.COM/DIVINEFEMININE on the community board. If you'd like an email sent after it's done, please let me know. I will ONLY reach out if there's an issue with your candle. D ⚠️PLEASE ALLOW 2-3 WEEKS from ritual date for effects to be applied⚠️ WELCOME TO YOUR NEW ENHANCED LIFE. J

Cancellation Policy

If you want to cancel a reading, a refund is only available if it has not been recorded. I DO NOT REFUND READINGS THAT ARE ALREADY COMPLETED

Contact Details


Bali, Indonesia

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